I find the best way to deal with stress is to keep busy. I've been known to iron every linen tablecloth and napkin in my house twice when I have a panic attack (and I've got drawers full). The silver gets polished (got some I may do tonight) and the refrigerator gets cleaned out if I am worried about something. I've also been known to can 20 plus jars of tomato sauce, if I've got something on my mind. So .... lets just say I've been keeping busy the last 4 months. I've also got a lot of things coming up in the next month.
I work at a church and there was a wooden sign on the front lawn that crumbled and I offered to carve a new one..... Oh about a year ago I started and would work on it when I found a few minutes here and there. To the guys at the church especially my fellow Property Trustees this became something to tease me about. "How's the sign coming? How many more years till it's done?" Well the boys will be so unhappy that it's almost done and they can't give me crap anymore....they'll have to find something else to tease me about.
I work at a church and there was a wooden sign on the front lawn that crumbled and I offered to carve a new one..... Oh about a year ago I started and would work on it when I found a few minutes here and there. To the guys at the church especially my fellow Property Trustees this became something to tease me about. "How's the sign coming? How many more years till it's done?" Well the boys will be so unhappy that it's almost done and they can't give me crap anymore....they'll have to find something else to tease me about.
Just need to finish painting and get it protected with some kind of finish. (Every guy has an opinion on that as well.) I just want this sucker back out on the front lawn and to be able to stick it to the guys.
No one else at church wanted to take on the Vacation Bible School this summer so when I heard 3 months ago I said "Oh I can do it .... I've done it so many times before." HELLO..... SOMEBODY STOP ME!!!
Had to make this space into a jungle....
We only had 8 kids register the first day but are expecting a few more tomorrow......
I am sooooo excited! I have been hired by my friend Liz to cater a fashion show. (more info on the fashion show in a later post....I want to make sure all my i's are dotted and t's crossed.) This will be the first time I will actually get paid to cater. Liz and her husband David are coming to my house this Saturday for a tasting party. I have to make several of my best hors d'oeuvre for them to taste. Thanks to my sister who said "do this one and this one," I know what will be on the menu. One rule in all of this is it must be finger food no utensils just small plates, glass or china .... no paper here. I'm so excited! I know that I will do my spring rolls as one. They are a favorite with everyone. Did 75 this past Saturday while I watched a movie. Those are just for David to taste on Saturday. These are great ... Freeze them raw ...take out as many as you need ... heat and serve with some hoisin sauce. I make mine all veggie, purple cabbage shredded, sprouts, shredded jicima and carrots, and these tiny thin mushrooms I get at the Asian Market, I let the veggies sit in a bath of soy sauce, garlic, lots of ginger, mirin, black vinegar, and sesame oil and then drain them well. Then the wrapping begins.......
I am also painting the front bedroom and refinishing furniture. I am also the Wedding Coordinator for the Church and have two wedding in the next two months......SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!! I am also painting a switchbox in the city of Malden, the four seasons of the "Maple Tree" on the corner of Maple and Highland Ave. (I am also, I am also, I am also.....)
The one thing I don't have this summer is the big party .... that has been my thing for the past several years.......that is like a death to me ...something that has happened for so many years and it is now gone. Joe and my nephew Lucas shared the same birthday, August 7...... I would throw a huge party on or around that date.... tons of food and people..... Funny how God works ... Lucas can't come this summer so it makes it easier for me.... this will be a hard one for him, and that breaks my heart.... he had so much invested in that friendship.... and now .... nothing.....

I love you Luke ..... and the next time you are in Boston I promise I will make it great for you.... I will take you to Fenway, and I will do fun stuff with you, and you and I will be fine.....We'll paint our toenails and talk about our feelings..... I hope you have a good birthday....I'll be thinking about you.....
The one thing I don't have this summer is the big party .... that has been my thing for the past several years.......that is like a death to me ...something that has happened for so many years and it is now gone. Joe and my nephew Lucas shared the same birthday, August 7...... I would throw a huge party on or around that date.... tons of food and people..... Funny how God works ... Lucas can't come this summer so it makes it easier for me.... this will be a hard one for him, and that breaks my heart.... he had so much invested in that friendship.... and now .... nothing.....

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