I've discovered so much about myself in the past four months. Four months ago I was afraid, and I'm not afraid anymore. I've always talked about myself as being a materialistic person, but I'm really not. I like my pretty things but I'd throw them all away for a friends any day. A few years back my mom had to sell the house I grew up in, we had all moved out or away, my dad had died and it was just too big for her. Every time I drove by that house I would cry, and then my sister Lisa's boyfriend died. I never cried over that house again, it was just a place where we had happy memories, but Harvey was Harvey. One of the many things I have discovered in the last four months about myself is that I truly love the little things. I love the fact that I grew my little lawn.
I love that I grew these green beans and peas and ate them raw for supper.
I love that chocolate make my nephew so happy, and that he knows when ever possible I will give it to him.
I love that he knows that he can stick his tongue out and I won't tell his mom.
I really love this.... three and a half months ago I was mad at God. I've been told by many learned people that it's OK to be mad at God ..... he's tough he can take it. But most people when they are mad at God get to the point when they realize it's not Gods fault...this thing your upset with, and he may be able to help....... So I was raking one Sunday morning when I should have been at church and I said (in my head cause the neighbors already think I'm crazy) I'm not mad at you God just as the rake pulled a pile of dead leaves off of this. Well I picked it up and wiped it off and then said (in my head with my head tilted to the sky) Oh your listening....... I'll go back to church next week. This is the cross my sister got me at the Vatican last year....I keep it on my window sill in the kitchen so I couldn't figure out how it got outside. I went in to put it back on the window sill but my cross was already there. So I had one from my sister and one from God. I gave one to a friend, I thought it might help him too.
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