Friday, December 2, 2011

Time with Mom ...

When I was a little girl I wanted to be an only child ... I love my siblings very much, I always have ... but I just wanted my mom all to myself.  I remember asking her if she would do something with just me and not the other kids.  Time alone with her was precious to me.  There wasn't a lot of it, she had five and we all needed her.  It's funny now I seem to be the one that spends the most time with her.  I try and have lunch with her a couple days a week, she cooks and sets the little table in her kitchen and always has fancy pretty paper napkins ... always pours me a glass of milk and tells me to drink it ... "it's good for you"... (I'm 48)  I don't get to spend as much time with her as I did before ... because of the new life I work a lot more. One of the things we do together that the other sib's are not involved in ... is the graves.  We plant the flowers on memorial day and we put the wreathes on the stones at Christmas.      

My father's mother Mary was an Eaton ... my brother Al and I have done a genealogy and we are directly 
descended from Jonas Eaton who helped to found the towns of Reading and Wakefield.
My father and brother Al both have Eaton as their middle name.

 This cemetery is in Wakefield ... 

This is my father's dad's stone ... Forestdale in Malden 

I have always found the wording disturbing and odd ...
as if they each belonged to him ...

My great grandfather Alfred Jacobson came to this country from Sweden.
He had two wives Annie and Torborge ... Annie was my grandfathers mother. 

My dad is buried in Woodlawn in Everett ...
My mom's sister is also buried there ...

There is mom putting the wreath on dad's grave ... 
If she finds out I took this she will be pissed ...

This is mom's parents ... James died just before I was born ... 
My grandmother loved him ... she cried every time she talked about him ... I want that kind of love ... 

As we left my mom's parent grave I said "Your so lucky ... you had the greatest parents" ... 
Mom said "I really did" ... "Mine sucked" I said and we both laughed ... 

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