Friday, January 14, 2011

Not a good day.....

I need one of these!  Not a bottle cap with a drawing of a glass of wine, but an actual glass of wine.  My day started with a trip to the Dr.'s office for blood work, etc.  Seems the ekg was not what is should be so now I have to have an echo cardio and stress test.  As my sister say "it's good to make sure everything is ok" but still...ugh. Then I picked up a cat carrier from my mom to loan to Joe's aunt because her cat wasn't doing well and her son was going to take him to the vet tomorrow.  I picked up my trusted friend Carl Johnson ( home on xmas leave from school) and headed over to Joe's aunt.  The cat turns out was not doing was obvious.  So an appointment was made for 4 p.m. today and we took the cat.  He was in end stage renal failure (which if you have not seen before is not pretty).  Got to see poor Spud get poke and and squeezed while he cried...not fun.  Finally he was put to sleep.  Of course I cried like a baby which gave me a screaming headache.  Spud was a Maine coon cat and he was huge, he weighed over 30 lbs when he was healthy and was the size of a medium/small dog.  He was the constant companion of Joe's Uncle John till Johnny past away a few years ago, he was 100.  Joe's Aunt continued to take care of Spud.  He was 16.

I'll never forget the sky the day of my dad's funeral my brother Jim pointed it out to me that afternoon. The sky was every color imaginable, blue, green, purple, orange, and red.  We just stood and stared at it.  I said "looks like dad just got to heaven". I've never seen a sky like that since.  The sky was beautiful as we left the vet's office today lots of pink which you don't usually see in the dead of winter.

I need to remember that with the bad of today there was also incredible beauty.  It was nice to have Carl with me during a difficult time... he is a very sensitive and special person and a real gift to me.  Also my sister Lisa will be picking me up in a while to take me to "The Pearl" for one of those glasses of spirits.....

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