Thursday, February 17, 2011

Full Moon

 The moon was really cool tonight, full and pink.  It was huge as it was rising, but by the time I could find a safe place to pull over it wasn't as big.  That is one of my favorite things, when the moon is so big it doesn't seem real.

This was also cool.  A hawk in the back yard a few days ago.  I believe this explains why I have seen what looked like blood in the snow over the past few weeks.  I almost feel guilty that we feed the birds and squirrels, because we are ultimately feeding the hawk. 

Very cool are these beautiful roses from the old man for valentines day....

And last but not least on the cool list is this book.  I have wanted it forever and finally got it.  I toasted it with a fine pinot noir in honor of Julia.  My sister called me the other night while I was toasting and asked if I had blogged about my new cookbook yet and I said "No but I am hugging it right now".

And now for the not cool.  I got the results of the stress test and echo cardiogram I had a few weeks ago and I have to go see a Cardiologist.  Seem the stress test found that there is a decreased blood supply to an area of my heart.  Could be nothing to worry about....but this is me we're talking about.  I come from a long line of worriers.  I just want to hear "your fine" and I'm not going to be happy till then.  On a positive note I did get my Cholesterol down 76 points.  Oh well, nothing I can do till I see the Cardiologist.  They say red wine is good for your heart, I think I'll go hug my cookbook and have a glass.

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