I have lived the last 48 years thinking I am not a real girl... I can't wear nail polish, I try but my nails just disintegrate....I hate shopping with a passion. Love to grocery shop but clothes and shoes ... yuck! I have know idea what happened to me and to be perfectly honest I am truly disappointed in myself. I bought a pair of boots today... I can't wear boots I wear a brace on my ankle ... well not in the house anymore ... haven't in several months... which I have explained in prior post so I'm not going to explain again (go back and look for yourself)... anyhoo ... I put the boots on and the too tight pair of skinny jeans I bought the other day in a size I have not fit into in (the word decades comes to mind) a long time. Then I (now disappointed in myself even more) proceeded to accessorize with the jewelry and handbag that matched the boots and furry vest (WTH) (who the hell am I.... and what did I do with me) .... then I stood in front of the floor to ceiling mirror and looked at myself for what seemed and eternity.... I finally screamed O GOD ... WHO THE HELL ARE YOU .... and changed into my pj's .... this new me is kind of fun ... I still can't wear nail polish I have tried for the past several weeks.... I have no nails left at all....
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